The Grace of God Overcomes Hatred
contributed by Paul Seiler
We are all aware of the terrible bitterness and hatred that exists between lsraelis and Palestinians. Humanly speaking there is no solution to this ongoing hostility. Apart from the grace of God the cycle of violence will likely to go on and on.
However, there is a solution. Consider the following true story.
Yishael Allon, a Jew living in West Valley City, Utah, USA gives the following account of his conversion and its outcome.
About 17 years ago Yishael met his cousin’s wife Sandy, who was dying of leukemia. Sandy was a Christian, and Yishael was impressed by the peace that filled her heart and a love radiated from her life, which gave her a “special glow”.
Yishael wrote, “She was the first real Christian I had ever met, she was different. I would question her, and all she’d talk about was Jesus.”
ln 1980, Yishael heard the gospel on the radio and he received a Bible. As he read lsaiah 53, the Holy Spirit convinced him that the prophet was speaking about the Lord Jesus, the same Jesus that Sandy knew.
Yishael recalls, “I believed in the Lord Jesus and became a ‘completed Jew’ “
Before becoming a Christian Yishael had a deep hatred for the members of the PLO who had murdered thirty seven of his friends. However, since becoming a Christian Yishael’s attitude to the members of the PLO has completely changed. He now says, “A year and a half after my conversion, the Lord has given me His love for my enemies, I am now able to love the members of the PLO who murdered my friends.”
Romans 12: 20,21 “Therefore if your enemy is hungry feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”