The true character of ministry is a servant’s heart
Our Minister is the Rev. John Evans who began his ministry at St Paul’s in February 2022.
The Elders are elected by the congregation, ordained and inducted to the role and they assist the Minister with the spiritual wellbeing of the St Paul’s community. Together they form the Kirk Session.
The ladies of the Pastorium complement the work of the Session with a specific focus on assisting the Session with some of the decision making, providing pastoral care and nurture of members of the congregation.
The Presbyterian Church of Queensland is committed to the safety and holistic wellbeing of all children and young people involved in its events. To ensure that children and young people are kept safe from harm, Presbyterian Church of Qld staff and volunteers are required to hold a current blue card, complete PesSafe Training and agree to adhere to a Code of Conduct when working with children.
The Presbyterian Church of Qld takes child protection and safety seriously and therefore has policies and procedures in place to ensure that your child has the best possible experience with the church. (PCQ Child Protection Policy.)
We delight in welcoming newcomers and visitors to St Paul’s. Whether you are searching for God and a faith community or just visiting our city, everyone is welcomed and we love the opportunity to meet and greet you.
St Paul’s Care Group, as part of the Pastorium’s ministry provides practical and emotional support to encourage or comfort members.
Our care and concern goes beyond our own community in various ways. We provide financial and prayer support for those involved in Mission and Outreach and participate in projects supporting local and overseas causes.
Grocery boxes of food and other supplies are given out each week to the needy. Meals are also provided.
Mission Support
We support missionary families working overseas and provide both prayer and financial support to this important field work.
The Presbyterian Inland Mission has been our special focus in recent years. We support this important work through prayer and by monetary contributions to assist the Patrols across this vast state.
The Special Care Nursery of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital receives from St Paul’s each year donations of particular handmade items for tiny babies in hospital – e.g. bonnets, booties, wraps, peanut pillows, cushioned supports for medical tubes, humidicrib arm cuffs – all lovingly sewn, crocheted or knitted by ladies of the church and their friends. These are presented at worship for dedication on Mother’s Day before being delivered to the Nursery. This is love in action and these gifts are of special comfort to the babies’ parents as they cope with this time of distress or concern.