God is the good giver of all that we have so how can we take and not give back? If we give as we are able, this enables gospel work to continue and provides funds for general running expenses that always come with congregational and property responsibilities. Churches are there for everyone – for worship, weddings and funerals, for community connections.
Monetary Offerings can be placed in the offering box at worship services. Alternatively, an EFT machine is available after the service and the Elder on duty can assist with this.
However Direct Deposit is an easy method for providing financial support, be it set up as an ongoing regular contribution or for a donation. Please identify the purpose for which you are making your contribution e.g. Offering or Mission Project or for a special fundraising project name e.g. AV equipment.
Bank: National Australia Bank
A/C Name St Paul’s Presbyterian Church
BSB: 084004
A/C Number 019372998
Community donations to the restoration of St Paul’s are always very much appreciated. If you value heritage buildings and are able to make a financial contribution, the Restoration Trust would be most grateful. Click these options for donation forms.
NTAQ Tax Deductible Donation Form_Final Approved by NTAQ 21 April 2021
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Financial contribution to the current project of restoring a rose window can be made using this form.