by the Rev. Paul Seiler
Anniversaries are significant times in our lives when we look back and reflect. Today we give thanks for those faithful Christians who declared themselves workers for God as our earliest congregation was formally constituted back in 1863.
Prayer would have been a key foundational element of their gatherings and it should be the same for us today. Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive …” (Matt. 7:7) Prayer is one of the main means to the advancement of God’s kingdom in this world.
It was through the prayers of Abraham that Lot and his two daughters were delivered from the destruction of Gomorrah.
It was through the earnest prayers of Hezekiah that God saved the Jerusalem from being destroyed by the Assyrians.
It was through the earnest prayers of Daniel that God opened the door for His people to return to the Promised Land.
We live in a spiritually barren period of time; many have departed the church. St Paul’s congregation here in Spring Hill is much smaller now than it has been in previous years, with an aging congregation. We have a considerable challenge before us in days when most people in Australia regard the church as having little relevance.
How are we to respond to such a challenge?
In much the same way as Hezekiah, when it looked as though the Assyrians would destroy Jerusalem. Hezekiah humbled himself before God and prayed that God would do a miracle and He did.
Let us pray for a miracle!