Missionary Zeal
A Brazilian bible college student felt called by God to do missionary work for the Xiao people, a people in the remote province in the north of Asia which is restricted from any Christian witness.
This is her story of how she evangelised this tribe:
“I live in Japan and I am a non-resident missionary to the Xiao people. I went to visit as a tourist and discovered they had no health care, no Scripture in their own language, no hospitals or schools, no gospel radio transmission and was not aware that anyone was praying for this group.
I prayed for wisdom to get help to evangelise. I got all my churches in my denomination praying and fasting for this group. Then I approached many Christian organisations for help. I challenged the Christian businessman’s organisation to negotiate with the Chinese government to build a hospital for them. The government agreed that if the Americans would fund the three millions to build itthey could have a Christian identity and witness in it.
God led me to two Christian nurses from a neighbouring country who were willing to come and work in the hospital and train staff.
I pleaded with Wycliff Bible Translators to start translation immediately which they did. The International Bible Society said they would publish the translation when it was finished.
I approached the Far Eastern Broadcasting Company and Christian Communications Ltd to start Gospel Radio broadcasts which they agreed to do.
I contacted Korean Christians and they offered to make and deliver to the Xiao transistor radios preset to receive the gospel broadcast. Campus Crusade has also agreed to translate the Jesus Film into the Xiao language.”
Praise God for this lady’s zeal. Do you have such zeal for this outreach?