Worship Service for Advent with Carols, Readings and Music for Christmas
Are you yearning for some good Christmas music instead of the razzamataz you find in the commercial frenzy of the season? Then come to St Paul’s and raise your voice in song with traditional carols led by a choir with instrumental accompaniment including pipe organ, flute and violin. Come to celebrate the real reason we have Christmas. Hear the ageless story and worship the Christ Child, the babe in the manger who came into this world to bring light into our darkness.
Make your Christmas special by coming to St Paul’s Presbyterian Church on 18 December for an illuminating and atmospheric Carols Service at 6:30pm. A special visual surprise awaits you in keeping with the theme of “A Light shines in the Darkness”!
A ‘Bring and Share’ Meal at 5pm precedes the Service.